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Our team specializes in creating conversations, ideas & strategies for high net worth clients, growth minded business owners, professionals, entrepreneurs and those seeking advice on retirement & income planning. We are committed to providing you genuine, bias-free, investment and financial planning advice through all life stages. By having a robust, forward thinking, advice centric model, we deliver advice where its most needed. Utilizing a hybrid of technology, clever ideas, and old world values, advice is delivered with integrity, teamwork, and care.

Turning advice inside out.

Our team specializes in creating conversations, ideas & strategies for high net worth clients, growth minded business owners, professionals, entrepreneurs and those seeking advice on retirement & income planning. We are committed to providing you genuine, bias-free, investment and financial planning advice through all life stages. By having a robust, forward thinking, advice centric model, we deliver advice where its most needed. Utilizing a hybrid of technology, clever ideas, and old world values, advice is delivered with integrity, teamwork, and care.

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Terms Every Investor Should Understand

Executive Summary

Investing today, whether for the short-term, long-term or in-retirement, can be complicated. An Advisor can guide you but there are many terms that investors should know in order to best understand the direction, recommendations and outcomes of their investments.

The following is a glossary of terms to help you understand some of the jargon and technical terms you have heard, and will likely hear again.  Please use it as a reference tool.

Investment Terms

  1. Rate of Return: gain or loss of an investment expressed as a percentage of the invested capital and is calculated on an entire investment portfolio to determine performance. Planning your Rate of Return to match financial goals and your risk/reward profile is a necessary step to successful investment planning.
  2. Asset Allocation is an investment strategy that balances Risk and Return by placing investments inside an investment portfolio into different Asset Classes like equities/stocks, fixed income, and cash. Each class has its own characteristics and can contribute more to the total as proportions increase. Asset allocation helps manage risks and rewards to meet your financial needs.
  3. Equities is a broad term used to describe ‘stocks’ or shares of a company. Most owners of shares believe they own shares, but, in fact, they own the company. In the case of publicly traded companies people investing for retirement own a very small percentage of the company, but they are the owners.
  4. Fixed Income is a category of investments that generate interest at a predictable, stable amount. Fixed income instruments inside a portfolio are often meant to be the safest investments. In the case of GICs, the balance is guaranteed by insurance and the interest payments typically have a very strong track record of occurring.
  5. Cash and Cash-like instruments are highly liquid investments. These investments can take advantage of market opportunities, and accommodate short-term unexpected personal expenditures without forcing the sale of an investment at an inopportune time.
  6. Capital Gains: Increase (or loss) in the value of a security at the time it is sold versus its cost when purchased. Since capital gains are taxed in Canada at a lower rate than interest income, depending on the province or territory, the highest marginal tax rate for capital gains is approximately 25%.
  7. Interest Income: Payments made to the owner of capital for the use of that capital and is calculated by multiplying the capital amount by the interest rate being paid for a particular period of time. Example – a $10,000, one-year annual-pay GIC paying 1.5% generates $150 of interest income each year, and would be paid on the anniversary date.
  8. Dividends: Payments made monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually to the “owner of record” of a share of a company. The dividend yield is calculated by dividing the expected dividend for the next year by the current share price.
  9. Basis Points a single basis point is one-one hundredth (1/100th) of a percentage point (1%) or 0.0001. Mathematically, a basis point is equal to one ten-thousandth.  Basis Points are used to express very small changes in numbers like percentages or the value of the Canadian dollar compared to the US dollar, for example.
  10. Volatility: the reaction of an investment to changes in the overall market. In other words, if the market goes up by 10%, will the stock react more, less or the same. Volatility is called ‘Beta.’ An investment’s Beta expresses how it reacts relative to the market, meaning the stock market in total.
  11. Diversification is a way to mitigate risk by placing investments in different kinds of investments (see Asset Allocation above) and by placing investments within an asset class in different industries, sectors, countries, etc. Diversification is a method used to manage risk by not having all of your eggs in one basket. If a country or an industry or a single company has a bad day, month or year your entire portfolio will have a measure of protection by being spread around.

The Bottom Line

We are here to help guide and advise you through the sometimes complicated world of finances and investments. To best understand our recommendations and their implications it is important for you to understand investment terminology. Keep this filed away as a tool for your reference or contact us for assistance or clarification anytime.

The Key to Financial Success: Keeping Your Advisor in the Loop!


Life is a rollercoaster, and as it takes unexpected twists and turns, our financial situations evolve with it. As a responsible investor, staying connected with your financial advisor is essential. By keeping them up-to-date on changes in your life, such as income fluctuations, marital status, or the arrival of a new family member, you empower them to tailor your financial strategy to meet your evolving needs. In this blog post, we’ll explore the vital importance of maintaining open lines of communication with your advisor and how it can lead you to long-term financial success.

“The Secret Sauce to Financial Bliss:  Honesty and Communication!”

The Power of Honesty:  Trust and transparency are the bedrock of any successful relationship, including the one you have with your financial advisor. Being honest about changes in your life allows your advisor to accurately assess your financial situation and make informed decisions. Whether it’s a raise or a pay cut, updating your advisor about your income can help optimize your investment strategy and maximize returns.

“The Butterfly Effect:  How Life Changes Impact Your Finances”

Navigating Major Life Events:  Life is full of milestones that can significantly impact your financial landscape. When you tie the knot, welcome a child, or experience other major life changes, it’s crucial to inform your advisor promptly. Marriage may require updating beneficiary designations and insurance coverage, while a new addition to the family may lead to college savings planning. By sharing these developments, you empower your advisor to adapt your financial plan accordingly, ensuring a solid foundation for the future.

“Baby on Board:  Secure Your Child’s Financial Future!”

Preparing for the Future:  Your financial advisor is your guide through life’s financial journey, and as your circumstances evolve, so should your investment strategy. Regularly updating your advisor about significant life changes enables them to align your portfolio with your long-term goals. Whether it’s retirement planning, estate management, or funding your child’s education, your advisor can help you take proactive steps to secure a prosperous future.

“From Success to Significance:  Empower Your Advisor to Help You Make a Difference”

Philanthropy and Legacy Planning:  If making a positive impact on society is a priority, discussing your philanthropic goals with your advisor is essential. By sharing your desires to support charitable causes or leave a legacy, your advisor can integrate philanthropy into your financial plan. Together, you can develop strategies such as donor-advised funds or charitable trusts that align with your values and make a lasting difference.


Regularly updating your financial advisor about changes in your life isn’t just a courtesy—it’s a proactive step toward achieving your financial goals. By fostering open lines of communication, you provide your advisor with the information necessary to tailor your investment strategy, navigate major life events, and secure your financial future. Remember, your advisor is your trusted partner in building wealth, so keep them in the loop, and together, you can pave the way to long-term financial success.


Boost Your Savings with Automated Contributions

Let’s dive right in on a powerful savings strategy that can make a significant impact on your financial well-being: automated contributions. By leveraging technology and setting up automatic contributions, you can effortlessly save money and build a stronger financial future. Let’s explore how this simple habit can pave the way to financial success.

“Set It and Forget It: Automate Your Savings for Stress-Free Financial Growth!”

The Power of Automation: Life can get busy, and amidst the hustle and bustle, saving money often takes a backseat. However, by automating your savings, you can remove the mental burden of manual transfers and make consistent progress towards your financial goals. Setting up automatic contributions ensures that a portion of your income is saved without requiring any active effort from you.

“Make Savings a Priority: Pay Yourself First!”

Pay Yourself First: One of the fundamental principles of successful saving is to prioritize yourself. Instead of saving what’s left at the end of the month, make it a habit to save first. When you receive your paycheck, allocate a predetermined percentage or fixed amount towards savings and have it automatically transferred to your investments. This way, you ensure that your future self is taken care of before other expenses arise.

“Small Steps, Big Impact: Watch Your Savings Grow!”

The Magic of Compound Interest: Automating your savings not only instills discipline but also allows you to take advantage of the power of compound interest. Over time, even small contributions can grow exponentially as interest compounds on your savings. By consistently funneling money into your investment, you can harness the magic of compound interest and watch your wealth grow steadily.

“Incremental Increases: Boost Your Savings Effortlessly!”

Incremental Increases: As your income grows or expenses decrease, consider increasing the amount you automatically contribute to your investments. Gradually bumping up your savings rate can be painless, as it adapts to your financial circumstances without disrupting your lifestyle significantly. Aim to periodically review and adjust your automated contributions to ensure they align with your financial goals and aspirations.


Automating your savings is a game-changer when it comes to achieving financial success. By making consistent contributions to your investments without the need for constant monitoring, you can build a solid financial foundation. Remember, every small step you take today will lead to a brighter financial future tomorrow. So, set up those automated contributions, pay yourself first, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your savings are on the right track. Happy saving!


Pay Only Your Fair Share to Canada Revenue Agency

Executive Summary

Tax season is hardly anyone’s favourite time of year.  What can make it even worse is seeing a negative balance on your tax account and having to pay extra income tax to the CRA.  Simply being aware of a few tax planning strategies can help ensure that you don’t get hit hard when tax season rolls around.

What You Need to Know

  1. RRSP Contributions – Contributions to an RRSP are deductible against your income tax, which can result in either a deduction in your taxes or even a refund.   RRSP contributions are reported on line 208 of your T1 General Tax Return. The financial institution that holds your investment will issue your tax receipts.  Contributions from March-December 2023 will be taxed on your 2023 return, but any contributions made between Jan 1, 2024- Feb 29, 2024 can be taxed on either your 2023 or 2024 return.  Taxpayers can contribute up to 18% of their income every year to their RRSP.
  1. Capital Gains/Losses – Many people are aware that any capital gains on their investments must be reported on their tax return; however, you can also report your capital losses.  Capital losses can offset capital gains on your tax return, therefore lowering your tax bill.   While there are a few exceptions, capital losses can generally be carried forward indefinitely and carried back three years.
  1. Carrying Charges – If you earned investment income last year, the CRA would allow you to claim carrying charges against certain types of income.  There can be some gray areas with carrying charges, it is always best to check with a tax professional regarding what can and cannot be claimed. Types of charges can include:
    • Investment fees and fees for looking after your investments.
    • You may be able to claim fees involved with obtaining financial advice.
    • Fees paid to an accountant.
    • Any interest paid for a policy loan that was used to earn income.
    • Legal fees involved in getting support payments that your current or ex-spouse will have to pay to you.
  1. Changing Tax Rules – Last but not least, the best way to make the most of your taxes is to keep up with the ever-changing tax rules.  New deductions and credits are being added all the time though they may not be widely advertised.  Taking some time to find out what’s new this year might present you with a tax-saving opportunity you may not have otherwise known about.

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